"Need to tie a knot? Knot Guide will teach you the ropes!
Knot Guide NOW includes the following 78 knots, 66 of which are unique:
Alpine Butterfly on a Bight, Adjustable Bend, Adjustable Loop, Anchor Bend, Arbor Knot, Ashley's Stopper, Bachmann Hitch, Blake's Hitch, Blood Knot, Bowline, Bowline on a Bight, Braid Knot, Buntline Hitch, Carrick Bend, Clinch Knot, Clove Hitch, Clove Hitch on a Bight, Constrictor, Countryman's Knot, Cow Hitch, Diagonal Lashing, Double Figure Eight Loop, Double Fisherman's, Double Overhand Stopper, Double Sheet Bend, Double Surgeon's Loop, Figure Eight Follow Through, Figure Eight Knot, Figure Eight Loop, Fisherman's Bend, Flemish Flake, Gasket Coil, Girth Hitch, Highwayman's Hitch, Honda Knot, Hunter's Bend, Improved Clinch Knot, Klemheist Knot, Lariat, Lark's Head, Lumberman's Knot, Monkey Fist, Mooring Hitch, Munter Hitch, Nail Knot, Overhand Knot, Oysterman's Stopper, Palomar Knot, Perfection Loop, Prusik Knot, Rapala, Reef Knot, Rigger's Bend, Rolling Hitch, Rosendahl Bend, Rosendahl Loop, Round Lashing, Running Bowline, Running Knot, San Diego Jam Knot, Sheepshank, Sheet Bend, Slip, Square, Square Lashing, Stevedore, Surgeon's Knot, Tautline Hitch, Timber Hitch, Trucker's Hitch (1), Trucker's Hitch (2), Turk's Head 3L5B, Turle Knot, Two Half Hitches, Uni Knot, Yosemite Bowline, Zeppelin Bend, Zeppelin Loop
14 CATEGORIES include:
Bends, Binding Knots, Climbing Knots, Decorative Knots, Fishing Knots, Hitches (End), Hitches (Middle), Lashings, Loops (Fixed), Loops (Slip), Rope Care, Sailing Knots, Shortenings, Stopper Knots
* Clear, colorful photographs
* Browse search by category or knot name
* From the 'Knot Categories' screen, select a knot category (description and photo included for each category)
* Next, select a specific knot from your chosen category (description and photo included for each specific knot)
* Swipe the images to move forward or backward through the visual steps.
* Save your favorite knots for easy access
* 'Knot Lingo' screen covers basic terms for knot tying.
People of all walks of life since ancient times have found knots both fascinating and essential. Knots are used in sailing, climbing, tree trimming, jewelry making, and everyday tasks such as hitching a load to your vehicle.
Whether you are a novice or you have experience with tying knots, Knot Guide will assist you!"
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